The Tecno Spark 5 and 6 smartphones were both launched this year, and as such, they both come with the trendy hole punch cut out on their display, that was orchestrated by Samsung way back in 2019, using the Galaxy S10 smartphone models.

And as a result of that, they’re also both lacking a native LED notification light. Yes, that tiny light that blinks continues whenever you have an opened notification like a new missed call, an unread message, etc.

So if not having an LED notifications light on your smartphone is one of the problems you’re facing in life, probably because you can’t live without one, today I’m gonna show you how you can use the camera hole punch cutout on your Tecno Spark 5 and 6 smartphones, to create a custom hole punch inspired LED notifications light. Something that looks like this..

Cool right? So whenever you have a new notification on your phone, say something like a new missed call, an unread message, social media notifications, etc, you’ll get this ring of light glowing round the camera hole punch cutout on your phone.
So without further ado, let’s get started.. #enjoy…
How to setup and use custom hole punch LED notifications on Tecno Spark 5 & 6 smartphones.
Step One
Go to Google Play Store and download the AOE “Always-On Edge” app, or simply do same by tapping on the “install” button below.

After you’ve downloaded and installed it, open the app and grant it access to the necessary permissions that it will request from you.
Tecno Spark LED Notification – Step Two
After you’ve done everything from the first step above, you should be looking at the app’s homepage on phone’s screen by now, and yours should look exactly.

Now tap on the first option there that says “Main settings” and you should be taken straight to a new page that looks this way.

From here, you should take your time to skim through all the listed options, enabling and disable each one after the other, to know each one does, cause this is one pretty long setting page.
But just to make things a lot faster, I’d advise you set yours exactly the same way they have been set from the screenshot above, and don’t forget to save your setting before leaving the page.
Step Three
Go back to the app’s homepage, and this time, select the next option that says “App settings“, and for the second time, you should be taken straight to a new page that looks this way.

Once again, take your time to skim through the page, while enabling and disabling each setting toggle one after the other, or better still, set yours the exact way they have been set for you from the screenshot above, and when you’re done, don’t forget to tap on the save button at the bottom of the page.
Tecno Spark LED Notification – Step Four
From this point onwards, things will begin to get a lot more personal and creative, wait, I’ll tell you what i mean by that in a minute, but first of all, go back to the app’s homepage and select the third option that says “Lighting settings“, and for the last time maybe, you should be teleported to a new page that looks this way.

Now i said things will begin to get a lot personal and creative from this moment onwards because, it is from this page that you can customise how you want your own hole punch LED notification light to look like, feel like, and act like.
But before we get down to customizations, there are a few basic things that we’ll have to put in place, so our efforts wouldn’t look unprofessional and seem out of place. Things such as;
First of all, you’d have to let the app know what type of hole punch camera design that your phone has, because not all hole punch camera cutouts are created the same and not in the same position as well.
Some phones have theirs to the left like the Tecno Spark 5 and 6 phones that this article is based on, a few have them to the left, while a handful of others have them positioned on the top center of the devices.
So how do we position our own custom hole punch inspired LED notifications light correctly with the hole punch camera cutouts on our Tecno Spark 5 and 6 smartphones, and just at the right size?
- First of all, from the page that you’re currently on which is the “Lighting settings” page, at the very top of it, make sure that the option for “Enable Edge Lighting“ is enabled. You can take a quick peep at the pictures posted above for reference.
- Now move further down the page and enable the option that says “Enable Notch Support” and select the option that says “Adjust Manually” from the two options made available for you to choose from.
- For “Notch Type”, select “O”. Then you can use the slider below that is labelled as “Notch Height” to adjust how big or tiny that your want the light ring to be.
- There is also a second slider at the top that is labelled as “Edges thickness“, and as you already guessed, it is used to adjust how thick or thin that you want the light ring to be.
- You can set “Curve Radius” to “0” as it doesn’t do anything at this point.
- Now keep scrolling down the page until you see a section of it that is labelled as “Notch Placement”, and make sure it is set to “Around Notch Only”, and from this point, everything should begin to make to a lot more sense to you.
After doing all these, you’d still have to tell the app what position of your phone’s screen that its hole punch camera cutout is located. And to do so;
- You have three options that you can choose from, namely; “Right, Left & Center”. You should see them in this same page that you’re still in.
- If you selected “Left” which is probably what you’ll do cause that is where that of the Tecno Spark 5 & 6 are located, the light ring wouldn’t just move over to the left immediately. You will still have to adjust it so it is properly aligned with the phone’s hole punch camera cutout.
- And to do so, you’ll have to make use of the slider that is labelled as “Top (set 0 if not hole)” to move the light ring upwards or downward, and then one last slider that is unlabelled, but is located just below those three options that lets you select the position of your phone’s hole punch camera cutout. This one lets you move the light ring left or right.
- So in summary,
So in summary, make sure the “enable edge lighting” option is enabled, enable the option for “enable notch support” and set it to “adjust manually“. Set “Notch type” to “O“, I’m sure you know what that means.
Set “Notch placement” to “around notch only“, and set position to “Left“. Use the sliders for “Notch thickness” and “Notch height” to set how thick or thin, or how big or small that you want the light ring to be respectively.
And finally, use the slider labelled “Top (set 0 if not hole)” to move the light ring up or down, and use the second unlabelled slider below it to move it right or left.
Now after you’ve done all that and you’re pretty satisfied with the alignment of the light ring with your camera hole punch cutout, we can now go ahead and start customizing things to our taste.
The app lets you customize things such as the notification LED style in the form of “Edges style”, the notification LED color in the form of “Edge color amount”, the notifications LED behaviour in the form of “Lighting mode” and “Lighting effect” respectively, and “Edges Speed”.

So set everything to your taste, and after you’re done, don’t forget to strike that save button and that’s all. You can take the app for a spin by turning off your phone’s screen and try sending a notification to it, maybe a call or preferably a message, and with that, you should see your new custom LED notification light in action.
Bonus Tip
Now aside from using this app to set custom LED notifications on your phone, this app also offers a host of other features, one of which is setting up “Animated wallpapers”.
Though these wallpapers are only available when you opt for the paid version of the app, but you can still have a quick peek view of them to be really sure if they’re worth throwing some cash on or not.
So to see these wallpapers, all you have to do is go back to app’s homepage like we’ve always done from the beginning, and at the very top of the page, you should see a button that is labelled as “Animated Wallpapers”, tap on it, and from there, you can feed your eyes to all the cool animated wallpapers that are offered by the developers of this app.
And that will be all for today guys, that’s how you setup and make use of your own custom hole punch inspired LED notification light on your Tecno Spark 5 and 6 smartphones.
Please give this post a thumbs up by sharing it if you enjoyed reading it, and as always, I’ll see you all tomorrow, #Peace Out.
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▪ Best Tecno phones to buy in 2020.
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