Category News

MacOS Less Secure Than Windows and Linux

MacOS Less Secure Than Windows and Linux

Picus Labs recently shared an analysis after conducting 136 million simulated cyber-attacks, indicating that macOS is actually less likely to be more secure than Windows and Linux. This weakness was attributed to insufficient efforts from security personnel whose job is…

Telegram Bots Share Dreadful SMS Stealer Malware

Malicious actors are using Telegram bots to share dreadful SMS stealer malware, according to Zimperium, a mobile security company. Users of Android in 113 countries have had their devices infected by the malware, but most victims have yet to hear…

Google’s U-turn on Chrome’s Tracking Cookies

It is unfortunate to hear about Google’s U-turn on Chrome’s tracking cookies, which have previously sparked alarming headlines. According to their latest announcement, the American company Google will not stop using their tracking cookies just yet. Many internet users are…

Escape Rafel RAT Phishing Campaign!

Most Android users are in danger of an ongoing phishing campaign that is affecting the USA, Indonesia, China, Russia, etc. A dangerous tool that works exceptionally well on Android products is being exploited extensively by malicious actors that seem to…

5 World Best Smartwatches

Watches are among the most evolved of all tools we invented — they are no more just accessories you wear to keep track of time. Just by touching or speaking to your smartwatch, you can presently do an increasing number…