So it’s no longer news that XOS 5.0 Cheetah, Infinix latest customized UI version is officially out, and by the way it first launched with the new Infinix Hot S4 smart phone in case you didn’t know, and you can read our very comprehensive and interesting review on it here.
So as i was saying, XOS 5.0 Cheetah is officially out and as it is with everything new especially in the smart phones world, it will soon be shipping to some older selected Infinix smart phones out there as a software update.
But if you were very observant and you read the title of this article up there, you should have noticed before now, that I used the word “Might“, as in “Full List Of Infinix Phones That “Might” Be Getting XOS 5.0 Cheetah Update“.
So why must I use the word “Might”, because using the word “Might”, simply means that there is a very big probability that the phone’s which are gonna be listed here might still end up not getting the said update.
Well, sadly, that is simply what it means. Because as you already know with everything Infinix, they are very slow to updating their phones and can’t even be trusted when it come to things like this one.
And moreover, the said Infinix didn’t and haven’t even released any official list as to which of its devices will be getting the Cheetah update.
So all I’m trying to say here is that, everything and every smart phone which will be listed here are a just a work of guess and might not really make it up to the update list.
So if eventually your smart phone wasn’t sent an OTA update after a long time, please do not say that i gave you wrong information.
And with that out of the way, here is a list of all the Infinix smartphones that we think will be getting the latest XOS 5.0 Cheetah update.. #Enjoy..Â
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• Everything you need to know about the new Phone Master app on Infinix phones running XOS 5 Cheetah UI.
Complete List Of Infinix Smart Phones That Might Be Getting XOS 5.0 Cheetah Update Very Soon
- The Flagship Infinix Zero 6 & 6 Pro – Now the reasons why we’re so sure about that of the Zero 6 and Zero 6 Pro are; First of all, these are flagship smart phones that were supposed to be launched during late November last year, but for some reasons best known to Infinix which they didn’t disclose to anyone, the launch was suspended until mid March this year, and it ships with Android 8.1 Oreo out of the box, together with Infinix X0S 4.0 HONEYBEE UI. So it wouldn’t make sense that mid-range smart phones such as the Infinix Hot S4 and the Hot 7 Pro, are rocking the latest versions of Android and XOS, while the latest flagship Zero 6 is still locked in the closet with not just an outdated version of XOS, but also with a now fading out android version.
- The Infinix Hot 7 – Now the reason why we also listed this phone is for the fact that; the Hot 7 Pro version of it recently launched together with the Hot S4, and they’re both rocking the latest android version, and as well as the the latest XOS version. So personally I don’t think it makes sense that the two variants of the same smart phone should be having different versions of Android and XOS on them. Like can you imagine Samsung launching the Galaxy S10 with Android 8.1 coupled with the old Samsung Experience UI, then after a couple of months launching the Plus version of it with the latest Android 9.0 Pie and the new Samsung One UI? that will probably be the shittiest thing to have ever happened in the history of Samsung. So what I’m saying in essence is; personally I thing Infinix will be shipping the XOS 5.0 Cheetah update to the regular Hot 7 smart phone, in order to make up for the gap.
- Infinix Hot 6X & Hot S3X – Personally I don’t know what made me include these two phones to the list, but I just feel like they deserve an update and there is a high probability of them getting one, that is at all if Infinix will be even be kind and wise enough to push the updates to the aforementioned devices. Like these devices were the first notch display smart phones that Infinix Mobility ever had, and because of that, a lot of people purchased it just to see and feel how a notch looks like on an Infinix device, while for some, that is the closet they have gotten to using something that looks like an iPhone X. So it’d be really sad if these phones are not included in the update list for Infinix XOS 5.0 Cheetah UI. And other devices include;
- The Infinix Hot 6 and 6 Pro.. and as for the last but not the least is…
- The Infinix Zero 5 – This one is only at the mercy of God, and that is only if a miracle happens or God decides to touch the hearts of those working at Infinix Mobility as a company.
Alright guys, so those are the few Infinix phones that we can make up a guess for right now, but still keep it at the back of your mind that there is no guarantee as to whatsoever that the information provided on this article are 100% correct or even genuine, so I’ll advice you to take everything written with just a pinch of salt, and a tiny bit of pepper.
Let’s just keep our fingers crossed, and pray that Infinix comes up with something that will make everyone happy as per the update.
And even if after subsequent days, Infinix decides to release an official list as to the smartphones that will be getting the said update, then we’ll make sure to update this article accordingly, so make sure to subscribe to our free newsletter if you haven’t don’t so already, don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below, keep spreading our gospel by helping us share this article, you can make use of any of the social media share buttons below, and as always, I’ll see you all tomorrow.. #Peace Out.
#Cheers… emmanuelGodwin
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• Infinix XOS 5.0 Cheetah Review and Its 11 New Best Features
• Infinix Hot S4 Top 10+ Best Features + Its Tips and Tricks
• Infinix Hot 7 Review
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My infinix hot S3 doesn't have the fingerprint sensor working at all. It only works for some time after it has been restarted. Its stops working afterwards. How can I fix this? Its very frustrating and its making me develop so much hatred for infinix phones. Any help as to fix this permanently?
Hello Dear, first of all, i must say that i'm very sorry about the issue that you're currently experiencing on your phone right now.
But first of all, i want to know, when did you start experiencing this issue, did your phone fall to the ground before it stated,, or have your phone ever fallen to the ground before. And have you tried doing a factory reset on the smart phone to see if the problem persists?
When did xos 5.0 cheetah upgrades for individual hot 6 pro?
When did xos 5.0 cheetah upgrades for infinix hot 6 pro?
When did xos 5.0 cheetah upgrades for infinix hot 6 pro?
Hello Ahmad, sorry to say, but you can’t make use of Infinix XOS on the Note 5 smart phone. Reason being that the Note 5 is a Google androidOne device and it runs on pure android UI.
If i may ask, why do you want to make use of XOS on the Infinix Note 5?
Hot s3 update 9
pi please
Sorry bro, but we don’t think the Hot S3 is ever gonna be getting that update..
And moreover, Android 10 is out, so they’d be shifting their attentions to it. You can follow this link to see the list of Infinix phones that might be getting Android 10 update.