Android Password Manager(s) are very simple but useful apps, that help to store, organize, and manage the passwords for all of your various online accounts, into a single, easy-to-access app.
• They do this in several processes, and with a ton of features, one of which is using a bank-level AES 256-bit data encryption system.
• They are available for download for both Android, iOS, and Windows OS.

I’m pretty sure that many people reading this article right now, don’t know what it means to manage passwords, or what Android password managers are, thereby losing on the many benefits that these things can offer.
So today, we took our time to perfectly explain in detail, line by line, what password management is all about, what are password manager apps, what they do, and how they can make your lives both easy and less stressful.
So without further ado, join me today, and let’s take a walk around the famous Android password managers. #Enjoy
What are Android password manager apps & how do they work?
Now you’ll agree with me that the average Android smartphone user today has at least up to two, three, four, five, six, or dozens of online accounts to boast of.
For instance, let me ask you reading this article right now, how many online accounts do you currently have and manage?
I’m guessing at least five on average, including but not limited to stuff such as your social media accounts, mobile banking accounts, even credit card information, forum accounts, and so on.
So you see? Right now I want to believe that with just this little illustration, you should have already gotten the whole idea behind this Android password manager(s) thing, right?
Now securing and managing these numerous accounts can pose a very serious challenge sometimes (in fact most of the time).
Why? Because it is practically impossible for you to have all the passwords for these different accounts in your head.
Mind you, a secured account has a very strong and hard-to-guess password, and a very strong password contains letters, numbers, and symbols, something that looks like this… Thisïş@very§t®oňğp@§§^^ord825749
So tell me, let’s say you have up to ten online accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Online Banking Accounts, etc, each with its own very strong unique password that is different from the rest, so how do you get to remember all those gibberish for each account?
And that is when these life-saving Android password manager apps, come into play.

With password manager apps, you don’t need to kill yourself over trying to remember the different passwords that you used for your different online accounts, all you have to do is create and remember one unique, very strong password that will be used to access the app itself, and then let the app do the heavy lifting for you.
There are a lot of them on the Google Play Store, some of which are original and get the job done, while some are just a bunch of empty gimmicks.
But they sure do come with a handful of very useful features (that’s for the genuine ones), and some of these features are listed out below.
How do Android password manager apps work?
- They help you keep and organize the passwords for your various online accounts, thereby setting you free from the need of having to remember those numerous passwords all the time.
- Most of them do this (No.1 above) with a form of bank-level AES 256-bit data encryption system.
- All you have to do is simply create and remember, one very strong password, which will be used to access the app itself whenever you want to make use of it.
- Some of them come with an auto-fill feature that automatically fills in the password for you whenever you want to log in to any of your online accounts, thereby saving you the stress of opening the app all the time to retrieve passwords.
- Some of them also have an integrated fingerprint lock system that is used to access the app, instead of using a password that can be easily forgotten, hacked, or erased by some means.
- Most of them too, also come with their own inbuilt and secured web browsers, for safer web surfing.
So those are just a few of the many features, advantages, and benefits you’d get if you chose to use a password manager app on your Android smartphone.
I know that most people might sound like “Why not just use one simple and easy-to-remember password for all of your online accounts, or why not just write them down somewhere in a book?”.
But while doing so, you should as well take note that an easy-to-remember password, is simply equivalent to an easy-to-guess password by anyone, and when someone, say a hacker can easily have access to one of your accounts, then it simply means the rest will suffer the same fate.
And as for writing them down in a book, well a book can easily be torn, misplaced, or stolen.
So you see, the benefits of using one of these are simply endless. And that is the reason why today, we went deep down into the heart of Google Play Store, to search for, and fish out the “top ten best genuine and free password android password manager apps”, that are currently available for your Android devices today. Follow the link below to see more.
And meanwhile, tell us what you think about this article and Android password managers as a whole, by using the comments box below.
And as well don’t forget to share this article if you enjoyed reading it, and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter if you haven’t done so already, as always, I’ll see y’all tomorrow… #Peace Out.
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